
28 07 2016

Coming back to blogger huh| Information overload | relevance

Un-interested at times at more often than not ~>>really indifferent.

Words, texts, pictures and at best useless pieces of unnecessarily mentioned lyrics of our lives that we seemingly feel the need to share at the simplest awakening.

So begins my extremely rare rant.

One of some form of disdain and repugnance at the volumes of material that is being spewed at any keen reader nowadays. What is the worst thing about it is not that it is not selectively chosen for you, but the fact that it is actually selectively chosen for you. Trends analysis is the money spinner on the internet of things now. We all seem to revolve around knowing possibly the latest piece of information about something without being able to relate it to your current situation. Being relevant in a conversation still holds water in some parts of the world, but alternately so does it not overly make you be known as someone wiser, but only be seen to be wiser.

In my quickness to give an unequivocal barrage on how the information superhighway has elected to dictate what we secretly want by using exquisitely fathomed algorithms that at the speed of light rotate #back_and_forth (shout out to Aaliyah RIP) and bring you items you are most likely to click so as to make it easier for you to seek out what you find and thus increase your trustability of the aforementioned algorithms at play, I have realised that I should go ahead and relax and lessen my deep-seated detestation of having too much information and appreciate its usefulness.

Knowing that Janet Jackson turned 50 this year may not enhance my teenage wishes of her singing to me her raunchy song “if”. But knowing how she wakes up early every morning to hit the gym when on and off tour are a deep sign of respect from me to her knowing that she is always trying to stay both in and ahead of the game by keeping physically fit.

Knowing that a consultant’s appreciation of Google as a search engine and an effortless communicator of all things relevant and irrelevant enhances my belief in the if you want something, you need to go out and get it mantra.

So let me calm my seething mind down and not only appreciate that the information overload is indeed that, but is also a chance to increase my patience and learn to filter through things that interest me with a lot more ease than heading to the public library. If not delegate it to the team.



3 responses

29 07 2016



30 07 2016

Ha! Haven’t seen that word in a whiille…Hi Sybella, “long time”

29 07 2016

I believe that information is power, even something that one considers useless can one day prove to be a lifesaver

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